Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pineapple Blueberry Muffins

So, another cold, snowy dreary day from the shores of Lake Erie. As always, there's nothing better than smelling something baking in the oven on a cold winter's day so, of course, I baked today. I bought a fresh pineapple and cut it up a few days ago, but whoa, there is A LOT of pineapple in a fresh pineapple!L ike a super sized mondo bowl of pineapple chunks are to be had. I ate gobs, brought some to a friend, ate gobs more and still had a ton leftover. What to do? What to do? I also went to Cleveland's West Side Market yesterday ( which, by the way, is SO a destination place if you are a foodie and in he Cleveland area. Anyhow, at the market I bought several large containers of plump, juicy blueberries. At 2 for $2, I couldn't resist. So now, I am left with tons of fresh pineapple and blueberries, so I decided, YUM! Pineapple and blueberry sounds like a scrumptious flavor combo, and you can never go wrong with muffins, so off to Internet World I went for a Pineapple Blueberry muffin recipe and came upon this oneat, which I altered because it is for a cream cheese filled muffin and I didn't have any cream cheese on hand and HELLO! it is like 4 degrees and windy out there and there's no way I'm in the mood to leave my cozy abode to get some cream cheese!
So the muffins are baking away in my oven as I type and they smell divine. I will report back and update later as to how they came out, and hopefully, photos,too, but my dang camera is still acting up.
Edited for results: Wow. These SO did not turn out. At all. I have no idea what went wrong, because muffins are super ultra easy to make. Anyhow, since the Spicy Mexican Brownies I made the other day were such a colossal hit, I decided to make them again today. However, instead of using cayenne pepper, I decided to use some red bell pepper that I smooshed up in the food processor. I also added some orange peel. They are cooling off right this very moment and I will report back how they taste. *FINGERS CROSSED!!!*

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